% README of the french style distribution (tst sub-directory)        2003/02/17
%                        author Bernard Gaulle, adapted Raymond Juillerat 

This material was designed to help (La)TeX users to test the french style
files installation. 

Quick description of contents:

README.test   : the file you are reading.

fxench.tst    : this file has to be converted to 8-bit and renamed french.tst;
                this is the bi-lingual torture test basic file used to 
                typeset the following documents:
frenchlb.tex  : a french LaTeX book (to be compared at printing level
                                      with frenchrf.pdf).
texxetlb.tex  : the same to be run with any TeXXeT engine.
frenchab.tex  : the same with AmsLaTeX.

frenchln.tex  : the same, loading the french style before \documentstyle.
                          and testing the "poor man french style" option.
frenchlr.tex  : a french LaTeX report
frenchla.tex  : a french LaTeX article
frenchll.tex  : a french LaTeX letter (just a test)

The previous files require:
myfigure.eps  : an EPS face (not mine) 
mygglo.ist    : the file is use with Makeindex to produce my glossary
mylist.sty    : a verbatim style
frenchlb.ind  : for those who don't have makeindex, this is the index produced.
frenchlb.glo  : for those who don't have makeindex, this is the glossary too.

For comparison after installation:
frenchrf.pdf  : the Torture test (frenchlb) document composed by the author.
                (The program makeindex was used to produce the index 
                 i.e. the .ind file and the glossary i.e. the .glo file)

Your "TO DO" list:

1- Convert the file french.tst to 8-bit.   
2- Ensure your TEXINPUT path pointing to the inputs directory first. 
   For LaTeX users: LaTeX frenchlb.tex 
   For TeX users:     TeX frencht.tex
3- Print the first 45 pages of frenchlb.pdf.
4- Print the first 45 pages of frenchrf.pdf and then compare the outputs
5- Go back to the main directory.

Optional tests are provided, look at the files.